Wednesday, August 5, 2009

now Gaborno if you complain again I pass a silk-epil on your belly when you sleep

miei cari, I am sure that you missed my random ranting, bullshitting and swearing. Or perhaps not. In any way, since this is a free democracy I will rant as much as I want. And to prove how free and democratic we are, please say hello to the little google guy that is monitoring the shit that I write (and from where) to sell it most likely to some advertising agency.
So why am I writing again? Because our friend Gaborno decided to bother me shitless about me being laaaaaaazzzzyyy, boooooooriiiing, and so on. So I could have decided to keep my cool and disregard the comments. But obviously not.
So what is happening? I see that in the last post I was swearing against Ikea. I still hope that they get hemorroides as big as chestnuts; that said, my wardrobe is standing and full, thank you very much. Apart from that, everything is going very fine. Life in Bruxelles is more entertaining than I thought (or perhaps I am just lucky and moved here in a year where there is actually a summer). Friends are nice, Flat is nice. Work is nice. Frites are still very good. Beer is also very good. So overall I like it a lot and I am happy.
In the last month I went to Prague with Heather and Randy and then to Benicassim with Gaborno.The Prague trip was very nice altough a bit tiring, since I had to drive with little Jean Jacques all the way. And the town itself is beautiful, even though we went out in the countryside to get get some beads for Heather and definitely it looks run down.
Benicassim was a lot of fun, we definitely need to go there again next year. Despite our great plans of going there with a big group, as usual it ended up being me and Gaborno (surprise!), since our friends are boring chickens. And being as organized as we are, we didn't manage to get a place in the camping so we had to find a hotel (the same day we arrived, of course, do you think we would book??). Which, after all, proved to be a lucky move, given that the second night a freaking tornado decided to come to the Spanish coast, taking away tents, passports, probably a couple of drunken anorexic English girls and most likely a full set of illegal drugs. It also prevented Kings of Leon to play, which bothered me a lot since I really wanted to see them. Well, anyway, the rest was extremely good, Franz Ferdinand were extremely good live, Gaborno nearly lost 10 years of his life proving that he still young and therefore can handle staying in the front rows close to the stage and as usual some underage kids tried to hit on me.

OK, enough for now, need to go to bed (in reality I bought an iphone and i downloaded tetris, this thing is addictive)