Sunday, March 1, 2009


miei cari, I need to say it: I really like this place. This town is pretty nice, there are things to do, places to go to, a lot of things to see. And I am starting to get in love with my flat: it still looks like a complete mess, but this weekend I had Naka+Peter visiting on Saturday and then Ana on Sunday and not only I can chat with the people while I am cooking (instead of being stuck in a small kitchen) but I also can host people and don't have to sleep in the living room. And now that I got the money from the company I will get a tv, a sofa, the bookshelves and I assume in 1-2 months my flat will really look nice. Sweet. Well, and another nice thing is that this place is pretty well connected to the rest of Europe, so for instance next weekend I will go to London with Gaborno, Ana and Betty - i can get there by train in less than 2 hours. And Paris is at 1.5 hours, Amsterdam the same, Frankfurt less than 4, .... Cool. This on top of liking my job much more than what I used to, it's good to feel like I am learning new things every day.
So all for now - and don't forget to come visit:)

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